Change for Charlie Gard

If you haven’t been following along, here is the super short version: Baby is born in England with medical needs. England says, “baby won’t survive, let baby die.” Parents have no say. Parents fight in court. American doctor finally (after almost 2 months) gets to see him. Charlie’s brain is too far gone. Parents decide […]

Through Their Eyes

It’s funny, when you look at someone else’s life you either see: the grass is greener or I’m kicking ass at life. With social media, it doesn’t help that most people only want to show you their “perfect world” and how they are winning at adulting. But really, who is?! Honestly, my credit card debt […]

Dear Child Me, I Set You Free

Dear Little Sugar, You have lived a life of fear, not knowing when you might get hit or touched, called names or yelled at. You walked on eggshells hoping they might forget you exist. You spent many nights wishing that your older brother would die, run away or never come home again. You wondered if […]

Finding My Path

I feel like my eyes are being opened so much brighter just in the last week. I called my dad and told him about my life comparisons to my siblings and he told me: “I can understand why you wanted to drop out of high school. School was so hard for you because of your medications, […]

Immigration Story

How do you define your own heritage? I don’t like using the word race due to all the hate and bigotry behind it. But when you get down to it, can you REALLY narrow down your heritage to just ONE place? It’s so rare in modest modern countries because of all the traveling that people have done. I […]

The Story of Tavish Owen

I feel like every time you read a story or watch a movie about Christians they are so cheesy or glossed over that you can’t say, “Oh my gosh… I can see myself in them.” I want to tell you about Tavish Owen. Now, I know I said I wouldn’t use real names on my […]

New Dreams

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Isn’t that one of the worst questions to hear?? I HATE that question! I mean, five years ago when I was 23 years old I thought that by 28 I would have: Married Full time career Adopted 1 (maybe 2) kid Owned a home Owneda dog New […]